Volunteer Opportunities

Medical Professional - MD, NP, PA
Medical providers are responsible for seeing patients well woman exams which include pap smears and STI testing if necessary. These appointments would include verifying health history, assessing patients, and determining what testing needs to be done. Medical providers must be professional, knowledgeable, and caring to their patients. This is a free ministry, and we want to love these patients so they continue to come back to us for services.
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Medical Professional - MA or Nursing Student
Medical volunteers are responsible for getting patients from the waiting room in a timely manner, getting basic information and vitals, and getting samples that are necessary. Medical volunteers must be professional, knowledgeable, and caring to their patients. These volunteers would need to work well as a team with the provider or nurse they’re working with. This is a free ministry, and we want to love these patients so they continue to come back to us for services.
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Medical Professional - RN, LPN
Medical nursing volunteers are responsible for seeing patients for basic STI testing and helping with STI callbacks for results. These appointments include verifying medical history, assessing needs, gathering urine/samples (pts self-swab per CDC now), and deciding what testing or referrals need to be done. Medical nursing volunteers must be professional, knowledgeable, and caring to their patients. This is a free ministry, and we want to love these patients so they continue to come back to us for services.
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Sidewalk Advocate
Sidewalk Advocates are to maintain a peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding presence on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood in Lafayette. Sidewalk Advocates lovingly and boldly engage with clients entering Planned Parenthood in efforts to redirect them to Bravely Women's Health. They offer clients help and hope by connecting them with other resources in the community for their health needs.
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Client Advocate - Clothing Room
As a Clothing Room Advocate, you would help the women coming through our clothing room to find whatever they may need while being a listening ear to their current situation – offering resources and further help, if applicable. This role would enable you to be an extra support person to a woman parenting on her own, and provide critical supplies to families who need it most.
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ĒMA Advocate
ĒMA Advocates are trained volunteers with a passion to see families preserved through mother advocacy. The ĒMA Advocate builds a meaningful connection with one mom, works together towards her goals, is a voice box for her progress and needs in the community, and helps her stay connected to support. When a mom has an Advocate, she receives holistic care that solely stems from a place of relationship.
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High School Sexual Risk Avoidance Instructor (I Decide for Me)
'I Decide For Me' is a sexual risk avoidance program that is taught in our local high schools. Its aim is to make each student aware of his or her true value and worth, the benefits of abstinence, and the risks of being sexually active before marriage. Your role would be to visit local schools and facilitate this program through the material and training provided through the I Decide for Me (IDFM) curriculum.
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Office / Admin Support
Front Office Support
The person sitting at reception is often the first encounter a woman has when they call or come through our doors. This is an important position to fill as oftentimes the women who come to Bravely are in crisis. Tasks at reception would include but are not limited to answering phones, greeting clients, and clerical work such as filing, communicating with volunteers, and more.
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Clothing Room Sorter
If you prefer "behind the scenes" type of work, being a sorter in our clothing room is for you! You will spend your time sorting and organizing baby clothing and baby supplies. This directly impacts the parents who come to Bravely by providing them with an essential need – giving them one less thing to worry about while making important life-changing decisions.
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Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm